Wednesday 16 December 2009

We are Home!

We finally arrived back in Mansfield last week, and since then we have been trying to acclimatise to the cold and damp weather, deal with the jet lag (which still persists) and start some Christmas shopping!

Charlotte met us at Heathrow and we went to see Caroline and Andy at Harrogate last weekend. It was lovely to see them again (and they are both coming to Mansfield this weekend too).

It is too early to look back properly at Belize, but our initial reaction to England is how clean and rich it looks!

We have very affectionate memories of Belize and of the people we met there, and I have tried to put together a slideshow to try and illustrate our chief memories. To view these please follow the link:

We are arranging a Belize party after Christmas for all our supportersand will post a new blog with the details.

A very happy Christmas to all our readers!!

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