Thursday, 15 October 2009

Work in Belize.

We have oncentrated on telling you about our activities at the weekend, and we now feel we should tell you about the work we are doing in the week.

As you know, I am working in the Women's Department and I have been trying to suggest improvements to the following laws: trying to make it compulsory for employers to display posters to counter sexual harassment and to have a written policy opposing it.

The sexual offences legislation is 50 years out of date, so I have prepared a report suggesting a brand new Act,comparing the current law with alternatives. I am now sounding out various interested parties to gain their views.

Similarly, I am discussing with them alterations to the divorce laws, as these are equally antiquated.

Belize wishes to bring its laws up to date by making them "gender neutral". This means making no difference between male and female. I have now compiled a list of Acts where these amendments are needed.

This is Liz here. I have been updating the Policy and Procedure at Haven House. I have designed a Resident's handbook which is user friendly for the women who arrive scared. Also I have done so much reading and research on Women's Refuges, I have written up a booklet on 'How to start a Refuge'. I have been enjoying working with the people there and I am being taught Belizean cooking at the same time. This week it was Creole bread; so you will be having some when we get home. I am attaching a photo of the boys who have been at the home with their mother.

Hope you like the picture of the supreme court building in Belize City.

Our other major responsibility it that we are on cat duty while Michael and Sally are away avoiding hurricane season! They like Bernard as you will see!


1 comment:

  1. I have just started at Challenges Worldwide and have really enjoyed reading your blog. It’s great to read what our volunteers get up to. I have started a Challenges Worldwide Blog which you can find at:

    I believe that Alex Hagon was on your training course and thought you may enjoy reading his blog: Some of his blog entries i have put on Challenges Worldwides blog.

    I hope you enjoy the rest of your time in Belize!

    Hannah (CWW)
