Liz shares a room in Haven House with her boss Dorla Rosado who is basically in charge of everything! Nellie comes in every day to keep an eye on the present residents, the children really and she is a great cook. She has been busy making bread and cooking crabs. Millions of crabs are migrating at the moment and they are coming into our enclosed compound much to the delight of the boys staying here who instead of watching television most of the time are out crab hunting.
I'm getting ready for the Board meeting on Tuesday night when I meet all the directors and let them know how I am progressing registering them as a charity.
I started work on Monday and had a meeting with my boss,Icilda where she asked me to deal with 3 problems; The Sexual Harassment act, looking at a new sexual offences Act for Belize and also putting forward proposals to revise the laws on divorce. So I have spent the last few days preparing a memo for Icilda on the sexual harassment Act, which I aim to give her tomorrow.
Everyone in the Womens Dept is friendly. I am using an old pc with a Pentium 3 processor, but it still works, slowly! I am sharing a room with Christina who is in her early 20s, a volunteer from Seattle. The coffee machine has now been moved into our room! We have aircon.
I attach a photo of our office party, to which Liz was invited. Today is a day of celebration in Belize - details in tne next blog.
Still 90 Degrees. We are enjoying the fruit; Liz's taxidriver gave her a bag of mangoes from his garden, which were very sweet,and I bought 8 bananas for a dollar - 33 pence.
See if you like the attached view of Haulover Creek.